Book Review
Deepa Aggarwal
As vacations are almost over, Everyone may have been ecstasic on going on trip or relaxing down at their home with something to read or even go to play with their friends. Me, myself back from a trip to Srinagar was both joyful and tired, both at the same time.
After my trip there, The thoughts that filled my mind of this book that lay in my home was of stories of beautiful sceneries and all but as soon as I started reading, I realized it was not the case. The first story in the short story collection, for example, was about a girl who loved runing and how this talent of hers helped save he neighbour, an apple trader, save his lives from the death in the hands of militants.
People there, fear of both the military forces of India and also the militants, which I myself felt on the trip there. They feel themeselves like an independent state. They consider Indians like from another country and always seem to keep their distance and this clearly expressed in this book. This was clearly expressed in the stories "Run,Zainab,Run" and "An Unexpected Rescue" . I found some of the other stories touching. "Saffron Pickers" and "My Kashmir" Diary are the most favourite ones among this collection. All the tales contain the importance of friendship, family and courage.
This collection of short stories explores the lives of young in a land that is beautiful, warm, yet at times, cold and turbulent; a land where joy and hope bloom like the crocus sprouting through the dark earth. I hope you get a chance to buy this book soon enough and get a chance explore this beautiful tales of the beautiful land.